Lionheart Guild
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Player Intros

Lt Mauve
The Raven Nevermore
Fire mage guy
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Player Intros Empty Player Intros

Post  Lustku Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:13 am

Well, I haven't found a thread like this on the forum so I decided to start one myself so we can get to know each other a little better Very Happy. Ill start.

Well my name is Carlos but you can call me Lust or Lustku whichever is fine it's all the same person I'm 23 and married. Smile

My player name started when I used to play super smash brothers brawl (Lust4). Because I joined a clan called the Seven Deadly Sins Lust and Gluttony were my only options. I thought I rather sound sexy than fat Very Happy

I've been playing SK on and off for about 5 years. This time around I'm getting a lot more into it. I even joined a Guild for the first time :DDD

I'm very happy to have join such an awesome Guild with some very chill laid back funny people from what I've seen so far.

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you a bit better Smile


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Join date : 2013-03-07

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Player Intros Empty Re: Player Intros

Post  Lustku Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:14 am



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Player Intros Empty Only entering declassified info

Post  Firenexus Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:47 am

Lets see here...
i have had multiple IGNs, and my main one was taken by someone else.
so, i had to think... then i realized, i could make a new IGN!
i have no idea what a nexus is. and don't think i named it after that phone....
it just popped in my head. .-.

wait a second... "I've been playing SK on and off for about 5 years. This time around I'm getting a lot more into it. I even joined a Guild for the first time :DDD"... 5 years! the game has not existed that long! D:<

anyway... i started playing on... umm... uhh... September?!? i think.... no.... wait... yes! it was sometime in September! 2013 to be exact.
i joined the guild the day of the GH update... when was that???
Nicknames/short names:
The Nexus, fire, Firenex and fir (i know, it's odd)
bounce  bounce  bounce  bounce bounce! bounce bounce  bounce  bounce

Last edited by Firenexus on Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:41 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : 2014 is coming soon, added "2013 to be exact" also added "nicknames/short names")

Posts : 66
Join date : 2013-01-02
Age : 23
Location : The Nexus

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Post  SincerelyKrystal Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:15 pm

Many thanks for making this thread Lusty! It was much needed Very Happy

Well my names Krystal, but I'm willing to accept any nickname given to me by friends/guildies...many which are of the breakfast variety (ahem, seeing as Dumbusa has taken to calling me Cereal and Siber calls me Kroissant...D:< ) Razz

I created my account in Summer 2011 and got bored very quickly due to the game being extremely new and not having many of the components it does now, such as missions, so I only got to about 4 star before I quit. Fast forward a year later and I got steam (my username on there is SincerelyKrystal on there too if anyone wants to add me!), connected it to SK and found that many things had changed! I quickly made many good friends and had a much more enjoyable experience.

Before joining Lionheart in December '12, I was in Kuradentia and then Dark Hearts, but I feel the most comfortable and at home here so I don't ever see myself being in another guild.<3

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Post  Lustku Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:46 pm

Yay learning about guild peeps Very Happy more people need to post in here.

About the 5 years its an exaggeration but I started playing before I got with my wife and all together and it's been almost 4 years that we've been together lol I'm Cuban our people exaggerate a lot xD you'll get used to me exaggerating things even when you guys are a part of the story Very Happy


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Join date : 2013-03-07

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Player Intros Empty The Dragon Princess

Post  Mawashimono Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:35 am

This looks fun. I’ll give it a try.

Mawashimono began playing Spiral Knights the months it debuted in April of 2011 when she and a friend were looking for a game they could play together online.

She adopted the nickname “The Dragon Princess” at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon in 2012 to celebrate that auspicious year and for her fondness for the dragon-line Radiant Silvermail that comprises her signature look.
She has a defensive style of play, patiently avoiding damage and deaths with Maximum Unique Variants on all the multitude of various helms, armors and shields that she utilizes.
In April of 2012 she began a <a href=""> fashion appreciation thread </a> of some renown.

She started and built the mentoring guild Lionheart, which has grown to near 300 members since its founding on October 25th, 2012. Her position in the guild entitles her to the enjoyment of meeting, and in some cases mentoring, new and old players alike. She is also the administrator of its <a href=""> website </a>.

The infamous Guild Master of a guild she left in distaste was accidentally overheard as describing her thusly: “She comes off as polite at first, but man, she is psycho-nuts under that layer.”

Members of her guild describe her in much more positive terms, and she has, on more than one occasion, been called the “nicest” and “best Guild Master ever.”

She enjoys art and has commissioned several pieces for <a href=""> her character. </a>.

She has also won prizes for fashion and fiction in several Spiral Knights contests. Her writing can be found in the Treasure Vault <a href=""> here </a>.

In summary:
Mawashimono, the Dragon Princess, has been a socially active member of the Spiral Knights community since its debut, and has amassed a fair of amount of friends and funds while enjoying the game equipped with her <a href="
"> Lionheart Honor Blade </a> in Haven, in the Clockworks, the Forums, and as Guild Master of <a href=""> Lionheart.</a>

Last edited by Mawashimono on Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2012-12-31
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Player Intros Empty How I found this game?

Post  GrugTheDestroyer Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:48 pm

I was drunk, unemployed and needed a TF2 hat


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Join date : 2013-01-11

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Player Intros Empty Re: Player Intros

Post  Lustku Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:14 pm

Lol best intro ever xD


Posts : 12
Join date : 2013-03-07

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Player Intros Empty Well I Started With...

Post  Gravator-Xx Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:42 pm

Well I Started Playing Spiral Knights SomeWhere Around The Same Time As Firenexus

I Started Off :l...well A Noob Didn't Understand The Concept Of Damage. So I Paid For It A lot For When I Played Harder levels And STILL didn't Grasp The Concept. (Rise Or Fall Punished Me bad for It) So Eventually I Got Into A Gulid. Bunny Legacy. Very... Well Not Much Chatting Though Very Active. Me And Firenexus And A Friend Named. Dark-Angelo Made A guild Called The Sacred Wolvers.

It Didn't Go So Well. Eventually I Had To Leave. So I Wandered Over To Infront Of Haven. I Accidently Shouted Out Something it Was. Want To Join A Guild! And Soon After That I Got An Invite. To Lionheart. So That Is How I Started


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Post  eizaki Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:40 pm

Hahaha same here Gravator xD


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Age : 27

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Player Intros Empty Re: Player Intros

Post  Fire mage guy Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:20 pm

i started playing sk some weeks before i joined lionheart, i was just cruising around haven then sudenly mawashimono asked me if im interested to join a guild, i said yes then there, i got headshot by an invite, this is the first guild ive been to. at first, the guild was a bit inactive :/ but now, see the difference study
Fire mage guy
Fire mage guy

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Post  The Raven Nevermore Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:13 am

Hello, I am Theraven-Nevermore on Spiral Knights, you can call me whatever you like, I notice there is another Raven in the guild, an easy one is probably Nev.
I joined SK a while back and played on and off quite a bit, I've been more active lately, you guys the people of Lionheart are really what keeps me here, I really enjoy being a part of this guild.
I was only in one other guild previously and it was a pretty inactive guild, I might as well have not been in one at all, a friend of mine who is no longer in this guild was showing me around the guild hall and that's when I met Firenexus who invited me in and also helped me with a few missions I needed to reach the rank of Vanguard.
If I'm online and not in the middle of a run I'm always glad to help other people with their missions or any bosses they want to fight, no matter what tier. I'm still a little rough around the edges but I die a lot less than I used to.

A little bit about myself outside of SK, I am a freelance artist both as an occupation and a hobby, I do a lot of painting, drawing and sculpting and metal work, it's been a while since I've done any digital work but I might upload some stuff to the SK fan art thread here once I get back into it. I really love art and would love to see any work you guys make as well (even if you don't think you're very good, I don't believe there is such a thing as bad art.)

The question of my gender comes up a lot so I'll just say that I am female but I don't really care about making it obvious on my character, I'm often seen running around in the Snarbolax set but as my arsenal expands I'll probably change a lot based on my mood, sometimes to throw people off I put on a Hallow tailed helm with a dapper combo on it lol!

Well wrapping things up was never one of my strong points so I'll just stop typing, see you all on SK.
The Raven Nevermore
The Raven Nevermore

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Join date : 2013-03-07
Location : pooptown

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Player Intros Empty New Guy

Post  Kyno Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:03 pm

Started playing the first month it came out. One of my favorite games growing up was Zelda: Link to the Past. Got hooked pretty quick, being F2P was a pain so I would lose interest, play for a bit then stop. Also I was a hardcore WOW player; PVP, raiding, gold and mounts was how I spent my time.  Now Im pretty much a solo player (main was rogue in WOW) reason I dont join guilds, very casual.  

Mawashimono real the only reason I joined, seen her(assume her) post on the forums talking about peoples outfits and really enjoyed them. Long story short I like people with style, Mawashimono obviously has style and seems like a genuine nice person. Reminds me of the first guild I joined WOW, guild leader genuinely interested in helping her guildies out in any way possible.  Just here to lend a helping hand to those that ask, all I ask is you pay it forward.

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Player Intros Empty The Mauve Shirt

Post  Lt Mauve Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:02 am

I joined SK when it came on steam (because I follow one of the artists and he posted it on his blog... long story there) and I've played on and off since then, my most recent break being when my computer broke for a couple months. I was in the guild Legoland before than, but I got booted for not logging in.

My name is an acknowledgement that I'm not the best, I will die, but at least I'll have some personality doing it. It comes from mauve shirt (similar to a red shirt, but at least with personality,) and a lieutenant, someone who isn't a complete newb but still isn't very high-up or experienced. If you ever party with me you will see that, I will die occasionally but I will be very good otherwise. I'm still just using swords most of the time, but I will use a gun sometimes.

Lt Mauve

Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-07-19

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Player Intros Empty intro

Post  stormguardia Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:25 am

I NEVER post on the forums so I thought it would be better to start with this.

Hey guys,and girls, my name is stormguardia,sk couldn't fit stormguardian so screw the 'n.I prefer to be called storm,in real life people know me as sanders.
I like to play basketball ALOT been in many teams and such,but i also enjoy watching some anime when I'm in the mood.

I started playing this game in summer 2011 but i quit because i got bored... and I was just a 2 star wolver noob,that didn't understanda single concept of this game...
But then an old friend of mines convinced me to start playing again,It was beginning 2012 when i started playing again.I joined a guild called 'black and red' butit died,so thats over.'
The next day after I quit I went to haven and started screaming ''Looking for a guild'',and that day was the day that my sk career changed
and i am grateful till this day that mawa invited me to this amazing guild.
Then,boom! go 1 year into the future and here I am,like always making vanaduke my slave,and chilling with my lionheart buddys. Smile

and lust,today is the day that i learn that theres another person in sk that carrys cuban blood in them.We have to talk.

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Post  Clonesye Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:39 am

Hello everyone, my real name is Dominic. I won't tell my age but I will let you know that I am a teenager. I am from Canada and my first language is french so its normal that my english is not perfect.

My advendture with spiral knights started a long time ago (maybe 3 years), I created my caracter named Clonesye (dont ask me why I dont know) and started to play. I stopped not long after because if I remember we needed energy to play. And then 3 long years later, wich is almost one week ago, Clonesye came back to life and joined the best guild ever wich is lionheart.

So here ends my intro, if you have any questions dont be shy and mail me in spiral knights.


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Join date : 2013-08-17

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Player Intros Empty Re: Player Intros

Post  Fire mage guy Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:26 pm

SincerelyKrystal wrote:Many thanks for making this thread Lusty! It was much needed Very Happy

Well my names Krystal, but I'm willing to accept any nickname given to me by friends/guildies...many which are of the breakfast variety (ahem, seeing as Dumbusa has taken to calling me Cereal and Siber calls me Kroissant...D:< ) Razz

I created my account in Summer 2011 and got bored very quickly due to the game being extremely new and not having many of the components it does now, such as missions, so I only got to about 4 star before I quit. Fast forward a year later and I got steam (my username on there is SincerelyKrystal on there too if anyone wants to add me!), connected it to SK and found that many things had changed! I quickly made many good friends and had a much more enjoyable experience.

Before joining Lionheart in December '12, I was in Kuradentia and then Dark Hearts, but I feel the most comfortable and at home here so I don't ever see myself being in another guild.<3

Fire mage guy
Fire mage guy

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Player Intros Empty About lil miss Ser

Post  Seraph Mistress Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:53 pm

Ayyyy, I'm Seraph Mistress.

Well, to start off, I'm 17 going on 18 on the 12th next month. I'm skinny, short, and dark haired. Yep.

My favorite things are cats, dragons, art, pastel colors, Pokemon, Spyro the Dragon, Spiral Knights (Duh!), gaming, sleeping, laughing, and tumblr (You can get to my tumblr through my profile page. 15+ reccomended, though. It's not NSFW, just some swear words and stupid jokes. I reblog more than I post myself.)
My favorite colors are purple, black, pink, and white! Very Happy(Mostly purple though. I LOVE purple. ehhehe)

Now onto Spiral Knights!
Why do I have this name, you ask (or I hope you did... lol)? Well, I love seraphs and angelic things, so that's how i got "Seraph", and "Mistress" is mainly because I like fancy things.
Here I am, and here's my Seraphynx, Starby! Smile
Player Intros Tumblr_mtj906auFH1s0xkd2o1_1280

Also, just to let you know, since I tend to be a bit emotional sometimes and ect... I have anxiety, depression, and a minor bipolar disorder. JUST letting you guys know! I'm not looking for any sympathy, I just want to give you guys a heads-up. It's pretty easy to calm me down, just be calm and nice to me whenever something happens.
And besides, nothing really happens, anyhow. It's been easier to control myself since I've had to deal with it for so long. I'm generally very nice, and if you're feeling down, I will do my very best to cheer you up! Very Happy
I hate it when people seem sad. Sad

Well, that's all for now!
AND REMEMBER: Doot doot, you are cute, because you deserve happiness! <3
Seraph Mistress
Seraph Mistress

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Player Intros Empty Hey all!

Post  Sierra-Blade Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:35 pm

Hi guildies, Sierra here! This is kinda overdue but hey, better late than never! But anyway, let's start with a few facts: I'm a teenager, I started playing a few mths after the game came out but took a year-long hiatus and my timezone is GMT +8. Yeah, it's kinda hard to see most of u guys, but at least 10 people are online all the time, so that's not a big problem. Also, I'm a T2 but people seem to keep inviting me to T3. So far, 2 parties have invited me to FSC (Including Possiblespy and Stormguardia), but turned both down as I had only 30 and 15 mins left to play on both occasions. Anyhoo, I look forward to getting to know u guys!


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Post  Karituo-Luster Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:39 am

I am Karituo, from the land of Tech. Sought out to be Mr.Mic's HEAVENLY (IRON) friend. Secretly, I have three sides: Light, Dark, and everything in between. Mr.Mic told me about the game during my reign of Ansegarde. Due to the fact that ruling land isn't so much funthan I thought it was, he told me about this game in the land of the Clockworks. Ever since then, I was a silent knight. (Like off of Sword Art Online) Ever since I joined the Lionhearts, My name the one of the most talked about question of the guild. I had amnesia so I couldn't remember how I even got my name! As things go by, I slowly had headaches that kept me from telling anyone about my pain I've kept hidden. I've felt like I've done this before. Until I've reached the highest rank possible, I then remembered how I got my name! It was a combination of my mom and dad's name! Kari for my mom and Ratou as my dad's name. I remember everything now and now it's time to look further into my past as we go into what there is to see...past as we goi

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Post  CrimsonStreak Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:19 am

Hello everyone, my name is Crimsonstreak. I have recently came back to Spiral Knights since the battle sprite update because of the free elevators. When I made my new knight in sk, I wanted to be a soloist doing everything in my own skill and power. While I was playing, I decided to join a guild since it's pretty much boring playing by yourself. However, this isn't the first guild I joined, but this is the best guild I have been in. This guild is also the reason how I met some friends that "stood" out. Anyways, while I continue to delve into the clockworks, i'll help anyone in this guild, aside from that, I hope that I can meet all of you fellow Lionhearts ^_^.                    

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Join date : 2013-09-24
Age : 24
Location : Richmond, VA

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