Lionheart Guild
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Ranks and Promotions

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Ranks and Promotions

Post  Mawashimono Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:45 am

Advancement in the guild depends on your competency and attitude as a player. Other things we look at are: 1) time spent in the guild, 2) maturity in words and behavior, 3) contributions to both the guild and Spiral Knights community, 4) relationships with other guild members, 5) quality of your gear, 6) ability to successfully complete various missions.

Minimum requirements to receive an invite into the guild and become a Recruit are: all 2* or better gear and at least a Soldier in prestige rank. Each rank has a longer grace period for inactivity. If you are inactive for longer than one month, you may be removed.

Recruit – You will be a recruit for your first 2 weeks while we get to know one another. 

Member – You will be a Member for 2 months. We desire that our members have demonstrated a familiarity with our Guildlines. After 2 months in the guild, you will be eligible for promotion to Veteran. 

Veteran – Players will be promoted to Veteran rank after they have met the following qualifications: 2 months in the guild and Vanguard rank (10-1, has completed all the prestige missions).  Please remember, we will continue to value your presence and friendship just as much if you remain at the Member rank.

Officer - While there is no formal timeline for this, Veterans who have been in the guild for at least 4 months and have demonstrated exceptional qualities and maturity in the 6 areas above will be eligible for promotion to Officer if at least two current officers are willing to recommend them for promotion. A Guild Master will then approach you about possibly becoming an officer. You will be someone that we have come to trust, which takes times. Promotions to Officer rank will occur infrequently, so please don't "expect" to become an officer nor be too disappointed or feel slighted if you are not promoted to this position.

With promotion to Officer comes a few new powers and responsibilities. You can now use officer chat (/o) and you will have the power to invite players into the guild at your discretion. You will also have the power to demote and remove players from our guild; however, that is an action that we perform only when absolutely necessary. No one will ever be casually removed from the guild.

Officers are an integral part of managing the guild's daily activities as you work with the other leaders of the guild to carry out the vision of its founders. You will be able to offer suggestions and give input more directly and readily. You will be expected to be a role model and mentor for other members.

Guild Master – There are currently no plans to add to this rank.

A pledge from us to you ~ We understand that the longer you are in a guild, the more emotionally invested you become in it. Please try to keep a proper perspective on the game as opposed to real life. This guild is but a small part of a "game" we all play and should never be taken too seriously. As much as possible, we will strive to make this not just "our" guild but also "your" guild as well.

Last edited by Mawashimono on Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:25 pm; edited 9 times in total

Posts : 127
Join date : 2012-12-31
Location : Japan

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Lustku Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:52 pm

Mawa I have a question.

What if we don't have time to play but remain active in the forum during that time? Would we still get kicked if we pass the inactivity period?


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Join date : 2013-03-07

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Ranks and Promotions Empty how inactivity is measured

Post  Mawashimono Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:48 pm

I just check that last time you logged into the game. Remember, you don't have to play, but at least log on and off once a week.

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Lustku Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:42 pm

Kk got it. Thanks. Ive just been really busy lately :/


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Join date : 2013-03-07

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Ranks and Promotions Empty honesty about officers

Post  Mawashimono Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:06 am

We currently have 10 officers, which seems like a nice minimum to have. I do not have any limit set on the number of officers I'd like to have. If any of our veterans who have been with us for a few months seem to meet the requirements for officer rank as laid out above, I consult with the other officers through officer chat ( /o ), and we make a decision to approach someone or not.

I was previously in a guild that had secretly set the limit to officers at 6 very early in the guild formation. I was wondering why so many players were complaining of feeling excluded and leaving the guild. Upon investigating, I found out that no one had been promoted to officer in over a year nor were there any plans to add to the 6 officers anytime in the future. The Guild Master had been lying to the guild about the availabity of promotion to officer. This was really the final straw for me in a haystack of complaints and disappointments with the guild, and I left it.

I try to be upfront and honest about what we are doing and trying to do in our guild. If you have any questions about our policies or decision, feel free to come to me anytime.


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Location : Japan

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Volcanope Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:52 am

So does that mean I have a chance to be a Officer? Cause I still left the guild quite some times :/

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Fire mage guy Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:32 pm

what if all of us are officer Question
Fire mage guy
Fire mage guy

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Ranks and Promotions Empty I've made an update to officer promotions

Post  Mawashimono Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:36 am

I'm much less active than I used to be and tend to only be on from about 8am to 10 am Tokyo time. Consequently, I don't have the chance to get to know people well enough to promote them to officer, so I'm changing the requirements a bit for officer promotion.

Last edited by Mawashimono on Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Karituo-Luster Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:53 am

I will become Officer O3O

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Ranks and Promotions Empty new time lines

Post  Mawashimono Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:29 pm

I have updated the promotion requirements.

Note the  longer time required and the emphasis placed on good relationships with other members.

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Ranks and Promotions Empty Re: Ranks and Promotions

Post  Karituo-Luster Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:56 am

Karituo wrote:I will become Officer O3O
I guess I never kept my goal XD

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Age : 26
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