Guild Hall Usage
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Guild Hall Usage
Interior Decorating: Furnishing for the guild may be purchased by any Officer once the required crowns and materials have been deposited into the Guild Treasury. Veterans are not allowed into Desgin Mode with the permission and/or supervision of an officer.
Guests: Our Guild Hall is generally open to the public. Remember, your words and actions are representative of our guild, so please be polite to visitors. If someone is causing problems, please send an in-game mail to Mawashimono detailing the issues.
Guild Storage: Materials in storage are for crafting purposes only. Any player who removes materials or gear for the purpose of reselling them for personal profit will be demoted, or if several guild log pages of materials have been withdrawn, the player will be removed from the guild.
Wells: These look much prettier when they are glowing blue with mist in them, and we want to keep them that way at all times. Any Officer who obviously abuses the mist well will be demoted to member and banned from further usage.
Guild Treasury: Although members are not required to pay any upkeep, we encourage and appreciate your donations and rely on them for the continual upkeep and improvements to our Guild Hall. More specifically, we ask the Veterans and Officers of the guild to donate their crowns proceeds from one full Firestorm Citadel run each week - approximately 8,000 crowns - and Members to donate their crowns earnings from one Jelly King or Roarmulous Twins run each week (or similar amount) - approximately 2,500 crowns.
Personal Rooms: If you would like to have a room with your name on it in the guild hall, you can do this by sharing the cost of the upkeep. We are currently requiring a monthly deposit of 20,000 crowns per month for the privilege of naming a room with up to 3 other players. You must buy whatever furnishings you want to put in your room. No Stealing from other rooms.
Rooms - May
Guest Lounge
Dragon's Lair
Zenje's Room
Krystal & Timeheart(paid)
Coza's Cave
Silly's and Pori's Place
Minigiggy's Sanctuary
4e - Treasury Rooms (with mist wells)
Room for Special Investigations (for rent)
The Committee (for rent)
The Lair of Deadly-Grimm
Dragon Chronicles Library (free, zenki)
What Dark Ritual? (free, zenki)
Jathushan and Nilaxann (paid for june)
Last edited by Mawashimono on Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:51 am; edited 3 times in total
Investigations Room
I originally made the Special Investigations room as my office, and I've been paying rent ever since.
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