Our Pledge of Allegiance
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Our Pledge of Allegiance
1) We pledge that all Guild Masters and Officers will serve fairly in this guild and make the right choices to the best of their knowledge and ability.
2) We pledge that Veterans and Members will show proper respect to the Officers and Guild Masters and that higher ranking members will treat subordinates with care and not belittle them so that they leave the guild in the future.
3) We pledge that the Guild Masters and Officers will provide feedback, both positive or negative, to help you develop and grow as a member of the guild.
4) We pledge that you will advance in the guild based on our rank promotion descriptions as laid out in our website and wiki site without favoritism.
5) We pledge that this guild will be friendly and helpful within reason, providing guidance and assistance as we are able.
2) We pledge that Veterans and Members will show proper respect to the Officers and Guild Masters and that higher ranking members will treat subordinates with care and not belittle them so that they leave the guild in the future.
3) We pledge that the Guild Masters and Officers will provide feedback, both positive or negative, to help you develop and grow as a member of the guild.
4) We pledge that you will advance in the guild based on our rank promotion descriptions as laid out in our website and wiki site without favoritism.
5) We pledge that this guild will be friendly and helpful within reason, providing guidance and assistance as we are able.
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